Who’s who in the church


Fr Paul Prentice

Contact: 01322 529331

[email protected]

(Photo by raynerrayner photography)


Our curate Fr James Butler joined us in October 2023

(Photo by raynerrayner photography)

You can contact him on

[email protected]



Denise Morgan

I am a reader, retired school teacher.  I used to teach music and R.E and I love playing the Cello.

Denise Morgan

Richard Demuth

I have lived in the Parish and worshipped at St Paulinus for 30+ years and have been a licensed Reader (Lay Minister) for 20. Married to the lovely Carol with 2 children, Frances (recently married) and Tristan (recently left Uni). I work as an Insurance Broker in the Lloyd’s Market in the City of London, support Millwall, enjoy all sports, the theatre and live music and am a Pantomime veteran (look behind you!).

Richard Demuth 2015

Licensed Lay Ministers

Lynn Wallington

Lynn has been a member of our church for 21 years and has been a Pastoral Assistant before coming a licensed Lay Minister.


Pastoral Assistants

Nicky Fry

Director of Music

Originally from Mid Wales, Aeron read Music at St John’s College, Cambridge, then worked as a secondary Music teacher, before switching to a freelance career as an accompanist and opera repetiteur, training at WIAV in Cardiff, and later the National Opera Studio in London.  His love of choirs and church music dates back to childhood.

Church Administrator & Assistant Administrator

Kelly Tharby & Lisa Kirby

(Photo by raynerrayner photography)

Kelly has been the administrator here at St Paulinus for 16 years and can normally be found in the church office, church, hall or graveyard.

Lisa has been here for 5 years and can normally be found dealing with the church hall.

Contact: [email protected]

Tel: 01322 557532


Michael Onafuwa

David Day