
Services at St Paulinus Church

We hold a variety of services at St Paulinus, to offer spiritual nourishment and guidance, a space for prayer and devotion, centred around the Holy Communion (taking of consecrated bread and wine) in which God meets us, forgives us, and makes us new.

You will find here details of regular and upcoming services, and what each sort of service is like. All are very welcome at all our services. If you are not familiar with Christian worship, do not worry – there is no pressure to take part or ‘get it right’. We are not fussy, but just hope that you find a place of sanctuary to find God and come to know his loving presence.

Upcoming Services:

This week’s services: 17th February – 23rd February

Wednesday: 9.30am Low Mass

Friday: 9.15am Low Mass

Saturday: 10am Church open        

Sunday: 8.00am Low Mass & Homily 

               10.00am Parish Mass & sermon


Family Services

Toddler Praise is every Monday during Term time at 9.15am in the Youth Hall

15th March 9.30am Family Breakfast Service – Youth Hall

30th March 10am Mothering Sunday Family Mass

5th April 9.30am Family Breakfast Service – Youth Hall

27th April 10am Family Worship


Regular Services

Sundays, 8:00am – Low Mass and Homily

A quiet service of readings, prayers, and the celebration of Holy Communion, with a short homily. Duration 50 minutes.

Sundays, 10:00am – Parish Mass and Sermon (unless Family Word)

Our main weekly celebration together, with hymns and music, readings, prayers, the ministry of Holy Communion, and Sunday School for school-age children during term-time. Duration 1hr 15 minutes, followed by refreshments. Once a month this service is replaced by a Family Word service (see below), usually the 2nd Sunday of the month. On special occasions, we hold High Mass and Procession, where incense and bells are used during the service.

 Sundays, 10:00am – Family Worship 

An informal service with lively songs, puppet sketch, readings, prayers led by children, and a short talk for all ages. Duration 45 minutes, followed by refreshments.

 Wednesdays 9:30am – Low Mass and Homily

A simple service attended by adults and usually a class of school children, with readings, prayers, a short talk for children, and the celebration of Holy Communion. Duration 45 minutes.

 Monday 9.15am – Toddler Praise (term-time only)

A service for toddlers and parents up on the chancel carpet, with fun songs and actions, instruments to play with, and we try to learn to the Lord’s Prayer together. Duration 20 minutes, followed by Toddler Play in the Church Hall.

 Fridays, 9:15am – Low Mass

A short service of Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel. Duration 30 minutes.

 Monday to Saturday – Morning and Evening Prayer

The daily prayer ‘offices’ are said daily in Church by the clergy, but anyone is welcome to attend. The service lasts around 20 minutes, incorporating psalms, readings, and prayers, and is a chance to take pause and offer to God the daily needs of the parish and the world. Most days Morning Prayer occurs at 8.30am and Evening Prayer at 5pm but with exceptions, so you may wish to check with the weekly pew-sheet or confirm with a priest if you wish to attend.

Healing Service – 2nd Saturday of the month

Low Mass service with the laying on of hands.

Family Breakfast Service – 1st Saturday of the month (Jan 2025)

Family service with breakfast, craft & worship