Links Group


What is LINKS? At the beginning of the first lock down we realised that there are a lot of people out there in our community who would essentially be ‘cut off’. This is our way of keeping in touch when face to face contact has been so difficult.  With lock down now not being such a pressing issue, we are still keeping in contact, by ‘phone. For a variety of reasons some of our number are still not so able to attend church or socialise. Please let us know if you or anyone you know needs a friendly voice to chat to? Also, if you are in touch with a group within our church family be part of the links in the St Paulinus chain, making sure that all are enfolded.

Our team leaders are Marilyn Downs, Maureen Bunce, Ruth Lambourn, Barbara Gray, Jean Bourne.  Please contact the church office 01322 557532 who can put you in touch with one of the team leaders.