Easter at St Paulinus
Upcoming Holy Week & Easter Services:
St Paulinus Easter Services
Sunday 24th March — Palm Sunday
8am Low Mass & Homily
10am Parish Mass & Passion Gospel
Monday 25th March
10am Low Mass
7pm Vespers & Holy hour
8pm Compline
Tuesday 26th March
10am Low Mass
7pm Vespers & Holy hour
8pm Compline
Wednesday 27th March
9.30am Low Mass
7pm Vespers & Holy hour
8pm Compline
Thursday 28th March — Maundy Thursday
8pm Mass of the Last Supper & feet washing
9pm—Midnight The Watch
11.45pm Compline
Friday 29th March — Good Friday
10.45am Walk of Witness
12.30pm Stations of the Cross
2pm Liturgy of Good Friday
Saturday 30th March — Holy Saturday
9.30am Breakfast Service – Youth Hall
11am Easter Craft Activities & Easter Egg Hunt (Please book with the parish office)
8pm Easter Vigil
Sunday 31st March — Easter Sunday
7am CTIC Service in the Garden of Remembrance
8am Low Mass & Homily
10am High Mass & Procession